AG-GRID 추가/수정/삭제 예제
2019. 1. 30. 15:24
AG-GRID 추가/수정/삭제 예제
예제에서 확인 할 내용
1. 체크박스, 체크박스 전체 선택 및 해제
- 코드를 통해 알 수있다.
2. 편집모드에서 시작, 종료 이벤트 처리
- 종료시 변경 데이터를 별도로 저장해 두었다가 저장 시점에 변경된 데이터만 서버에 전송할 필요가 있다.
3. 삭제 처리
4. 편집모드 강제 종료 하기
- 편집모드에서 바로 저장, 수정 등의 버튼을 클릭하면 변경 사항이 적용이 안되는데 이때 강제 종료 시키면 해결이 된다.
5. 버튼을 통한 편집모드 이동.
6. 첫번째, 마지막에 ROW 추가하기
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true:false; } gridOpt.onRowEditingStarted = function(event) { console.log('never called - not doing row editing'); }; gridOpt.onRowEditingStopped = function(event) { console.log('never called - not doing row editing'); }; gridOpt.onCellEditingStarted = function(event) { console.log('cellEditingStarted'); }; gridOpt.onCellEditingStopped = function(event) { console.log('cellEditingStopped'); event.data.edit = true; gridOpt.api.updateRowData({update: [event.data]}); console.log(gridOpt.api.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(event.rowIndex).data); }; return gridOpt; }; /* grid 옵션 가져오기 */ this.gridOpts = null; /* grid 실행 */ this.makeGrid = function(rowData){ _this.gridOpts = _this.getColumnDefs(); CommonGrid.makeGridCommon(_this.gridDiv, _this.gridOpts, rowData) }; this.getRowIndex = function(node){ return node.rowIndex+1; } } var mainGrid = new MainGrid(); function onBtStopEditing() { mainGrid.gridOpts.api.stopEditing(); } function onBtNextCell() { mainGrid.gridOpts.api.tabToNextCell(); } function onBtPreviousCell() { mainGrid.gridOpts.api.tabToPreviousCell(); } var removedRows = []; function onBtDelete() { var selectedRows = mainGrid.gridOpts.api.getSelectedRows(); selectedRows.forEach( function(selectedRow, index) { removedRows.push(selectedRow); mainGrid.gridOpts.api.updateRowData({remove: [selectedRow]}); }); } var updateRows = []; function onBtSave() { mainGrid.gridOpts.api.stopEditing(); mainGrid.gridOpts.api.forEachNode( function(rowNode, index) { if(rowNode.data.edit){ updateRows.push(rowNode.data); } }); $("#updateRows").html(JSON.stringify(updateRows)); } function onBtSelectAll() { mainGrid.gridOpts.api.selectAll(); } function onBtDeselectAll() { mainGrid.gridOpts.api.deselectAll(); } var newRow = { seq : null, athlete : '', age : null, year : '', date : '', sport : '', gold : null, silver : null, bronze : null, total : null } function onBtAddTop() { mainGrid.gridOpts.api.updateRowData({add: [newRow], addIndex:0}); } function onBtAddBottom() { mainGrid.gridOpts.api.updateRowData({add: [newRow]}); } // setup the grid after the page has finished loading document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); httpRequest.open('GET', './olympicWinnersSmall.json'); httpRequest.send(); httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (httpRequest.readyState === 4 && httpRequest.status === 200) { var httpResult = JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText); mainGrid.makeGrid(httpResult); } }; }); </script> </body> </html> | cs |
Json data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | [ { "athlete": "Michael Phelps", "age": 23, "country": "United States", "year": 2008, "date": "24/08/2008", "sport": "Swimming", "gold": 8, "silver": 0, "bronze": 0, "total": 8 }, { "athlete": "Michael Phelps", "age": 19, "country": "United States", "year": 2004, "date": "29/08/2004", "sport": "Swimming", "gold": 6, "silver": 0, "bronze": 2, "total": 8 }, { "athlete": "Michael Phelps", "age": 27, "country": "United States", "year": 2012, "date": "12/08/2012", "sport": "Swimming", "gold": 4, "silver": 2, "bronze": 0, "total": 6 } ] | cs |