AG-GRID 필터와 정렬 예제
2019. 1. 30. 15:12
AG-GRID 필터와 정렬 예제
필터링과 정렬 관련 예제입니다.
참고 mainGrid.setFilteredData(), mainGrid.sortByYearDesc()
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Json data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | [ { "athlete": "Michael Phelps", "age": 23, "country": "United States", "year": 2008, "date": "24/08/2008", "sport": "Swimming", "gold": 8, "silver": 0, "bronze": 0, "total": 8 }, { "athlete": "Michael Phelps", "age": 19, "country": "United States", "year": 2004, "date": "29/08/2004", "sport": "Swimming", "gold": 6, "silver": 0, "bronze": 2, "total": 8 }, { "athlete": "Michael Phelps", "age": 27, "country": "United States", "year": 2012, "date": "12/08/2012", "sport": "Swimming", "gold": 4, "silver": 2, "bronze": 0, "total": 6 } ] | cs |
파일 첨부
Filter Options
Each filter presents a list of options to the user. The list of options for each filter are as follows:
Option Name | Option Key | Supported Filters |
Equals | equals | Text, Number, Date |
Not Equals | notEqual | Text, Number, Date |
Contains | contains | Text |
Not Contains | notContains | Text |
Starts With | startsWith | Text |
Ends With | endsWith | Text |
Less Than | lessThan | Number, Date |
Less Than or Equal | lessThanOrEqual | Number |
Greater Than | greaterThan | Number, Date |
Greater Than or Equal | greaterThanOrEqual | Number |
In Range | inRange | Number, Date |
Empty* | empty | Text, Number, Date |
* 'Empty' is a special filter option. When Empty is displayed, it means the filter is not active.
Default Filter Options
Each of the three filter types has the following default options and default selected option.
Filter | Default List of Options | Default Selected Option |
Text | Contains, Not Contains, Equals, Not Equals, Starts With, Ends With. | Contains |
Number | Equals, Not Equals, Less Than, Less Than or Equal, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal, In Range. | Equals |
Date | Equals, Greater Than, Less Than, Not Equals, In Range. | Equals |